Saturday, February 11, 2023

your right to know

Learn- Gain knowledge by watching these

Self Defence Techniques

Self-defense not only allows children to tangibly defend themselves against physical attacks, it also sparks various benefits to them in everyday life.

Why should you use Pepper Spray?

During an attack or a potential attack, pepper spray can help you save your life or the life of another!

How rape survivors heal

Here are some accounts of people who have survived rape and learned to heal. Healing a long process, it’s okay to not be okay.

Meditation You Can Do Anywhere

Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health.

Why is self defence important?

India’s numbers representing the heinous crimes against women are shocking. In 2016, India recorded 106 rapes a day and four out of every ten victims were minors. Additionally, abductions, acid attacks, physical abuse, molestation, stalking, eve-teasing– these are the known crimes occurring in India every single day. Women for no fault of their own, even little girls are attacked with such brutality – that now there is a fear brewing in our minds. Knowing self defense is vital in protecting oneself from any threat or violence and to prepare ourselves to deal with actual life situations. Confidence: There is nothing more empowering than having the confidence to analyse a dangerous situation and take actions to overcome them effectively.

Pepper Spray

Despite violence and crimes against women making headlines daily, only a small fraction of women living in the metropolitan cities carry safety tools. Not only can these weapons save you during unfortunate, uncalled for situations but they can also provide a sense of security. Pepper spray is banned in many countries. However, the use of these sprays for self defence is legal in India. A can of spray that costs around INR 200-300 can save a life. The link below will explain the do's & don'ts of owning pepper spray.

9 Do's & Don'ts of Owning Pepper Spray Responsible

Here are some other safety products to carry with you.

5 safety tools a Delhi woman must carry in her bag to deal with perverts, criminals


Too many women enroll in a self-defense class after they’ve been assaulted. When they recount the incident, they often say the same thing: “I had this bad feeling, but I told myself not to be paranoid,” or “I knew I shouldn’t have gone, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.” If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t safe — that’s the bottom line. Many women have been conditioned to ignore the little voice that tells them trouble is coming. Whether you realise it or not, when you are in danger, your brain and body respond reflexively. Your instinct is the best detector of danger. The next time you hear that little voice, listen to what it’s saying.

Gut instinct is often right!