Saturday, February 11, 2023

your right to know

Learn- Gain knowledge by watching these

Women's Rights

“When there is oppression, the only self-respecting thing is to rise and say this shall cease today, because my right is justice.”- Sarojini Naidu


Self-care helps to get time to focus on mental issues arising from working day and night. Self-care for women's health is necessary!

Menstrual health

Menstrual health is defined as complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing in relation to the menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy Diet

A pregnancy diet plan made to help you obtain all your nutrients.

Menstrual health

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has introduced a scheme for promotion of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in the age group of 10-19 year in rural areas. The major objectives of the scheme are: 1. To increase awareness among adolescent girls on Menstrual Hygiene 2. To increase access to and use of high quality sanitary napkins to adolescent girls in rural areas. 3. To ensure safe disposal of Sanitary Napkins in an environmentally friendly manner.


Indian women, who have to stay away from their homes for job purpose or do not have anyone to house them, often suffer from insecurities related to safety. The central government has passed a new scheme that is designed for meeting the housing requirements of working or helpless women.

For more information click here

Protect Victims

One Stop Centre Scheme(OSC). State governments receive 100% central assistance to protect women affected by violence (gender-based such as acid attacks, rape, and sexual harassment) in public and private spaces. This scheme facilitates emergency (medical), legal aid and counselling, non-emergency services under one roof to combat all forms of violence against women.

For more information click here